Backwoods Boogie – Cover Reveal

Backwoods Boogie, the third in my Redneck Series of romantic suspense/comedy novels is due to be released by my publisher in the fall of 2014.

Redneck P.I. Twila Taunton cannot believe she is working for Jimmie-Ray, the man who stood her up on her wedding day.  But she can’t allow gentle Pam Taylor to go to prison for a murder she did not commit. 

Twila sets out to hunt down the real killer, with the help of hacker and mean guitarist Gasser Cunha; her hard-drinking great aunt Essie; and office assistant LaMercy Howard, who reluctantly agrees to go Goth. 

When she discovers an illegal puppy mill, and a possible dog fighting ring, Twila calls on a vigilante biker gang and her long distance lover, Harland to help.

Oh… and she might be pregnant. 

Yesterday my editor sent me the cover concept and I love it!!

I’m giving away FREE DOWNLOADS  of Redneck P.I. for a limited time. Click here

I discussed it on my recent posting on Sooz Buchanan’s blog.

Meet my Main Character by Cynthia Ainsworthe

A big thank you to Cynthia for following me in this blog tour. Here is her post – reproduced with her permission.

1) What is the name of your character/s? Is he/she fictional or an historic person? 
All my characters are fictional. Larry Davis is a world-renowned singer and musician. Tiffany Bradford is the Countess of Lantham of England, married to Clive Bradford, the Earl of Lantham and a very successful neurosurgeon. Tiffany appears identical to Larry’s missing wife, Taylor.
2) When and where is the story set? 
The novel opens up in present day London near Mayfair.
3) What should we know about him/her? 
Larry Davis deeply loves his missing wife and has been searching for her over the past eighteen months. Tiffany has no memory of her past and does not recognize Larry as a person she had ever met.
4) What is the main conflict? What messes up his/her life? 
Larry is insistent Tiffany is his missing wife. Tiffany is more confused and frustrated with her inability to recall her past. It is not a “given” that this lookalike woman truly is Taylor. Everyone has a “twin” somewhere. Clive is not a willing participant to allow a famous singer-musician take his wife from his life.
5) What is the personal goal of the character/s? 
Obviously, Larry wants Tiffany to remember she is TaylorTiffanydesperately wants to know her true identity and past history.Clive wants to keep his marriage and social standing intact.
6) Is there a working title for this novel, and can we read more about it? 
The title is Remember? There has been no pre-release information available until this posting. I do not expect to change the title of this book. My current epic novel, Front Row Center, introduces the characters Larry Davis and Taylor Allen. A script is in development by Hollywood known screenwriter, Scott C Brown, for a mini-series and feature film. Front Row Center is available from Amazon

7) When can we expect the book to be published?
Sometime in 2015 is the expected release for Remember?, barring any issues with production.

Every Writer Needs a Good Editor

“Trish is the corner man every author should have in the publishing ring.” I was thrilled to get this wonderful review from Canadian Kevin Zdrill after I helped him with his newest novel Crazy Mixed-up World. (Click here to buy it on

“I found Trish by chance while searching the web for an individual who could provide my fiction novel a critical and polished editorial assessment. My chance discovery with Trish was an author’s dream. Trish is a caring, passionate individual with profound editorial skills, a tremendous depth of knowledge in the publishing industry and possesses an amazing warmth to go the extra mile teaching and assisting me with my book to bring it up to industry standards. Having Trish involved with my book validated it had reached its potential as a creditable novel.
A tremendous distinction that separates Trish from so many other editors is that she is a highly accomplished author. Her insight into the industry is timely and relevant.
Any author who has the ambition to elevate the polish of their novel will achieve this goal under the guidance of Trish and her services. My experience with Trish exceeds any university course on writing, marketing and publishing. Trish is a one room classroom that will teach an author on all the aspects required to help in the success of a challenging publishing world. Like any champion boxer, Trish is the corner man every author should have in the publishing ring.”


Meet my Main Character — Twila, Redneck P.I.

Thank you so much Maggie Tideswell for inviting me to join this blog hop. Maggie’s posting about her new main character in Ben: Roxanne’s Ghost is here. She writes paranormal romance, and if you like things that go bump in the night, you’ll love her stories.

My good friend Marta Merajver also asked me to participate and I let her down badly. She is a wonderful writer. Check out her post here.

1) What is the name of your character? Is he/she fictional or a historic person? 

The story I am showcasing is Backwoods Boogie, the third in my Redneck P.I. Series. Twila Taunton is a redneck and proud of it, so proud that she has named her private investigation business REDNECK P. I. She is fictional, of course.

2) When and where is the story set? 

It takes place in today’s world, in the small, Southern town of Quisby, Alabama.

3) What should we know about him/her? 

Twila is tough on those who do her wrong, but compassionate to the underdogs of her world. She is in love (but refuses to admit it) with hunky Harland O’Connor, but… he lives far away on his family farm in Nebraska.

4) What is the main conflict? What messes up his/her life? 

Due to some very steamy make-up sex in the barn with Harland, Twila thinks she may be pregnant, which would be a disaster for her because she is never getting married.  Jimmie-Ray, her childhood sweetheart stood her up on their wedding day and she will never put herself in that position again. Now she finds herself actually having to work for the asshole, despite all her best intentions. He is the attorney representing the gentle Brit, Pam Taylor, who has been set up as the perpetrator of a gruesome murder. Twila has no faith in Jimmie-Ray, and cannot allow Pam to go to jail for the rest of her life.

5) What is the personal goal of the character? 

Twila has to find the real killer so Pam can be exonerated. In the course of her investigation, she comes across an illegal puppy mill, where a large number of dogs are living in squalor with little food and no veterinary care. When one of the dogs looks into her eyes, she knows she has to rescue them, but going the legal route will take way too long. She calls on her quirky friends to help–Harley-riding Great Aunt Essie, master hacker, songwriter, and farter of note, Gasser Cunha, and her office assistant LaMercy with the big afro, who reluctantly agrees to go Goth.

6) Is there a working title for this novel, and can we read more about it? 

The title BACKWOODS BOOGIE will remain in force. There’s more about it and the preceding two books in the series at my website. I’m also currently giving away FREE downloads of the first book in the series, Redneck P.I. for a limited time, details on my website.

7) When can we expect the book to be published? 

My publisher, Uncial Press will release this story in the fall of 2014.

Five other wonderful writers will post their Meet my Main Character information on May 25th. Their blogs can be seen here:

Cynthia Ainsworthe 
Diana Hawkins 
Mary Patterson  Thornburg
Anna Othitis

Review – The Lonesome Gods by Louis L’Amour

Some people probably think Louis L’Amour was an okay writer if you like cowboy stories. Actually, he was an amazing and wonderful writer, and he was also extremely well-educated and knowledgeable about world history. He wasn’t awarded the US National Gold Medal and the Medal of Freedom for nothing. More than 300 million of his books have been printed, and they have been translated into several other languages and sold all over the world.

This story starts with six-year-old Johannes Verne’s narrative as he travels west with his father in a lone wagon. Most people travel in wagon trains because it’s safer to do so, but the boy’s father is dying, and doesn’t have time to wait for the next wagon train to be organized. Johannes’ mother passed away sometime previously, and Johannes’ only living family member is his grandfather, Don Ysidro, who lives in Los Angeles, California. 

The only problem is, Don Ysidro plans to kill Johannes and his father as soon as they arrive in California. 

The story tells of how Johannes uses all his wiles to stay alive, and how, blessed with some very kind and caring friends, he grows into a strong, resourceful young man, and eventually has to save the life of the woman he loves.

The story will tug at your emotions and bring tears to your eyes, not only from the human interactions, but also from the vivid word paintings of the western territories the author loved so much.

I couldn’t put it down.