The Story Behind Call Me Daddy by Kelly Stone Gamble

I’m excited to have author Kelly Stone Gamble on my blog, with the story of how she came up with the ideas for her second novel,  Call Me Daddy, which is available for pre-order on Amazon and due to be released this, the first week of October. Here it is in her own words:

In the past two years, I have had the opportunity to reconnect with cousins that I haven’t been around since childhood. Like most families, we are an interesting bunch, each with our own oddities, all with strong opinions, and none with the luxury of saying we had ‘easy childhoods’. But what has bound us together is our understanding of the challenges we each faced, in part because of our parents choices: their successes and their mistakes.

As children, we never truly know our parents as individuals, and I would say that even as we get older, we sometimes have a difficult time thinking about them as young adults, making choices, living their lives as individuals, not necessarily as parents. But the choices parents make for their own lives can and do affect their children and sometimes, those effects aren’t exactly pleasant. 
In my novel, Call Me Daddy, I wanted to explore the idea of how the actions of parents can weigh heavily on their children, long after the parent is gone. 

Cass Adams is pregnant, and she fears passing along the mental illness that she and her mother suffer from to her baby. The father of her child, Clay, has his own issues, as he tries to come to grips with the recent return of his father, who left when Clay was five years old, and is now in need of his help. Each must find a way to accept who they are and further make a commitment to raise their child in the best way they can—without damaging her/him too much.

My cast of characters are a zany bunch, each with their own Mommy/Daddy issues, who will hopefully make readers laugh and will certainly make them think. Call Me Daddy is a story of family, the secrets they keep, and to what lengths someone would go to protect them. It is a sequel to my first novel, They Call Me Crazy, but can be read as a standalone novel.

As for the cousins and me, we all turned out just fine, because of, or despite our parents, depending on how you look at it. We get together as often as we can now and have decided we are going to be a family. We laugh together, we support each other, and we don’t dwell on the past. And hopefully, we aren’t damaging our own children too much.


Kelly Stone Gamble is an Instructor at Southeastern Oklahoma State University and her work has appeared in a variety of publications. Her interests are as diverse as her writing. She is at home fishing on a river, riding horses in the mountains, reading on a beach, hiking through the desert or playing pirate with her friends.





