Review – Reflections of Mamie by Rosemary (Mamie) Adkins

Reflections of Mamie

A Story of Survival

Shocking and Heart-Rending

From the time Mamie was a baby, her mother was inflicted with an insane desire to hurt her. She hurt her in every way possible—with savage physical beatings and blistering, demoralizing verbal attacks. When Mamie finally got the courage to report her, she was not believed. I can understand why. Nobody in their right mind would do what Mamie’s mother did to her child.
Her mother was exceptionally adept at knowing Mamie’s every move, and was able to thwart each and every attempt at escape, until at last, after several attempts, Mamie finally made it to Florida. I heaved a sigh of relief. Thank goodness she had managed to get away and was free at last. But did she stay away? No. When Mamie couldn’t make it on her own, rather than allow her boyfriend’s kind and willing parents to help her, Mamie went back to her mother.
Abusers seem to have some instinctive ability to recognize victims of abuse, and target them, so it did not surprise me to read that Mamie’s husband beat her.  What I found particularly disgusting was that Mamie’s mother aided and abetted him.
I found it very hard to understand why Mamie kept going back to her mother. Why couldn’t she cut the ties that bound them forever and leave and never look back?
Two ultra-powerful emotional forces were at work here. Mamie’s unconditional love for her mother, and her desperate need for her mother’s love—or at least approval; and her mother’s uncontrollable passion to inflict pain on Mamie.
I wish I could say this is fiction, but it’s all true. I can only say Mamie, you are definitely a survivor and an amazing person, and I am so happy you’ve found your knight in shining armor. 

My rating: ☻☻☻☻☻(Five happy faces = five stars.)

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