A Thoughtful Review of Sheer Panic

One thing I can always count on from my Argentinian writer friend, Marta Merajver is that she sees the true and deeply seated meaning of my writing. Sometimes I refer to my works as ‘fiction with a conscience’ because there is always a message about the ills of society in them, although it’s not always clear. Thank you so much, Marta!

I was thrilled to get this review for my novella, Sheer Panic.

A young woman who leads a quite ordinary, unadventurous life suddenly finds herself in the middle of a nightmare. Someone is stalking her, and she has good reason to suspect four men. The novel unravels at a brisk pace to a surprising end.

If read lightly, Sheer Panic could be classified as a thriller. However, it brushes on profound contemporary issues. Ms. Jackson does not spell them out for you; it’s up to the reader to stop at the landmarks and reflect. In the 21st Century, women seem to be as helpless as ever before when it comes to men’s brutality. Social networks can be as dangerous as weapons and even more effective. Children are caught in a revolving door that fails to separate innocence from the complexities of adult life, which they experience vicariously but do not understand. There is much more, of course.

   Readers that enjoy an appealing subject matter, true to life characters, and terse language will appreciate this novel as much as I did. 

Sheer Panic is available from Amazon at 99c.