A Convenient Marriage by Maggie Tideswell — Preview

The Story Behind the Story

This is the first post in my new project in which authors talk about the story behind their book and what motivated them to write it. 

My friend and fellow romance author, Maggie Tideswell has a new paranormal romance in the works and I found her explanation of the idea behind the story fascinating. Hope you do too.

Maggie writes:

The idea of two complete strangers getting hitched has always intrigued me, for one simple reason—why would they do such a thing? Could such a relationship succeed? By successful relationship, I understand not only the longevity of the marriage…but is it possible for the participants to actually fall in love with each other in such a strange arrangement? I write romance, after all, and love is found in the most unexpected places.

A Convenient Marriage grew over a number of years. The basic story was simple—a divorcee with two children, an ex-husband being difficult over visitation, as well as a fiancée unable to commit. 

Holly’s friends suggested that she needed a new husband, placing an advertisement in the paper for one behind her back. Joshua was struck by a simple plan when he saw the ad and responded to it. Boring stuff, huh?

The problem was motivation. Why would Holly marry a man she’d never met, and why would Joshua respond to an ad for a husband, then actually propose to a woman he had never clapped eyes on? So, in came the dawdling fiancée, Nicole. Both Holly and Joshua were justified in not planning the marriage to be a real one, because they each had an agenda of their own, but Nicole was the injured party. For their plan to succeed, they had to marry—the real kind, down to that all-important piece of paper married—and they had to seem to be totally in love with each other. Holly needed to be married to take her ex on for custody of her children, while if Joshua wanted to motivate his reluctant fiancée into church, he had to be off limits to Nicole. That would make him very attractive to her again, and maybe she would even set a date for their wedding.

And here comes the ‘but’. Holly and Joshua’s plans go awry from the moment they meet on the steps of the chapel where their fake marriage is to take place, when both recognize the immediate attraction. Back at Joshua’s wine estate—yes, he is a rich landowner where Holly expected him to be a pauper—Holly meets Joshua’s mother, his brother and sister-in-law, and Nicole, the fiancée, who found out about Joshua’s duplicity in a room full of people. No one can blame Nicole for being a tad upset. Or can they? To add to Holly’s woes, she seems to have acquired a ‘ghost’ demanding she tell a story.

Amidst Nicole’s shenanigans, Joshua’s mother’s disapproval, Holly’s ex’s aggression, and the ghost following Holly around, will these two accomplish what they set out to do? Or will life get in the way?

Joshua’s and Holly’s journey through the uncharted seas of a blind marriage, where no rules apply, is a stormy one.

A Convenient Marriage will be published on October 13, 2016.

Maggie Tideswell is a South African author with a passion for romance. All over the world people are falling in love, even the birds and the bees are doing it. Ghosts just can’t seem to leave her alone and she combines things that can’t be explained, sweaty bodies and rumpled beds in a way that will make your toes curl and your hair stand on end.

Find other books by Maggie on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Maggie-Tideswell/e/B005GJ3DG8

A Convenient Marriage by Maggie Tideswell — Preview

My friend and fellow romance author, Maggie Tideswell has a new paranormal romance in the works and I found her explanation of the idea behind the story fascinating. Hope you do too.

Maggie writes:

The idea of two complete strangers getting hitched has always intrigued me, for one simple reason—why would they do such a thing? Could such a relationship succeed? By successful relationship, I understand not only the longevity of the marriage…but is it possible for the participants to actually fall in love with each other in such a strange arrangement? I write romance, after all, and love is found in the most unexpected places.

A Convenient Marriage grew over a number of years. The basic story was simple—a divorcee with two children, an ex-husband being difficult over visitation, as well as a fiancée unable to commit. 

Holly’s friends suggested that she needed a new husband, placing an advertisement in the paper for one behind her back. Joshua was struck by a simple plan when he saw the ad and responded to it. Boring stuff, huh?

The problem was motivation. Why would Holly marry a man she’d never met, and why would Joshua respond to an ad for a husband, then actually propose to a woman he had never clapped eyes on? So, in came the dawdling fiancée, Nicole. Both Holly and Joshua were justified in not planning the marriage to be a real one, because they each had an agenda of their own, but Nicole was the injured party. For their plan to succeed, they had to marry—the real kind, down to that all-important piece of paper married—and they had to seem to be totally in love with each other. Holly needed to be married to take her ex on for custody of her children, while if Joshua wanted to motivate his reluctant fiancée into church, he had to be off limits to Nicole. That would make him very attractive to her again, and maybe she would even set a date for their wedding.

And here comes the ‘but’. Holly and Joshua’s plans go awry from the moment they meet on the steps of the chapel where their fake marriage is to take place, when both recognize the immediate attraction. Back at Joshua’s wine estate—yes, he is a rich landowner where Holly expected him to be a pauper—Holly meets Joshua’s mother, his brother and sister-in-law, and Nicole, the fiancée, who found out about Joshua’s duplicity in a room full of people. No one can blame Nicole for being a tad upset. Or can they? To add to Holly’s woes, she seems to have acquired a ‘ghost’ demanding she tell a story.

Amidst Nicole’s shenanigans, Joshua’s mother’s disapproval, Holly’s ex’s aggression, and the ghost following Holly around, will these two accomplish what they set out to do? Or will life get in the way?

Joshua’s and Holly’s journey through the uncharted seas of a blind marriage, where no rules apply, is a stormy one.

A Convenient Marriage will be published on October 13, 2016.

Maggie Tideswell is a South African author with a passion for romance. All over the world people are falling in love, even the birds and the bees are doing it. Ghosts just can’t seem to leave her alone and she combines things that can’t be explained, sweaty bodies and rumpled beds in a way that will make your toes curl and your hair stand on end.

Find other books by Maggie on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Maggie-Tideswell/e/B005GJ3DG8

Review of Lost by D. M. Thornton

Lost by D.M. Thornton is a masterpiece, and a truly great debut novel.

In the beginning, ‘Lost’ resembles the TV show with the same name—a plane crashes in the middle of nowhere and most of the occupants lose their lives. 

The survivors are lost, yes, and yet the word ‘lost’ holds a double entendre as readers will discover at the end.

It is essentially a love story, and the author’s depiction of the progression of the process of the two primary characters falling in love and eventually realizing they can’t live without each other can only be described as masterful. The love-making scenes are graphic yet tastefully written, leaving the reader in no doubt that the couple love one another deeply.

If you love romance and enjoy a fast-paced book that moves forward with each page-turn, you will enjoy this story. 

One word of warning — the cliff-hanger at the end. While it clearly shows that a sequel is in the works, and will leave you hungering for more, you may feel disappointed if you are accustomed to reading romance, in which there is always a happily ever after or happy for now ending.
Find out more on Amazon

Stuck on Please Release me by Rhoda Baxter

It’s all about being stuck… I’m stuck because I don’t have enough time to write all the books stuck in my head just trying to come out. And if I could be stuck somewhere with someone who would it be??? That would depend upon where I was stuck.

Please Release Me

What if you could only watch as your bright future slipped away from you?

Sally Cummings has had it tougher than most but, if nothing else, it’s taught her to grab opportunity with both hands. And, when she stands looking into the eyes of her new husband Peter on her perfect wedding day, it seems her life is finally on the up.
That is until the car crash that puts her in a coma and throws her entire future into question.
In the following months, a small part of Sally’s consciousness begins to return, allowing her to listen in on the world around her – although she has no way to communicate.

But Sally was never going to let a little thing like a coma get in the way of her happily ever after …

Buy it here on Amazon

Rhoda’s an incredibly talented romance author, and I’m happy to participate in her blog splash.

Love and Marriage from Kid’s Perspective

I got such a laugh out of this I just had to post it on my blog. These kids know all about love and marriage…

You got to find somebody who likes the same stuff. Like, if you like sports, she should like it that you like sports, and she should keep the chips and dip coming.
— Alan, age 10

No person really decides before they grow up who they’re going to marry. God decides it all way before, and you get to find out later who you’re stuck with.
— Kristen, age 10

Twenty-three is the best age because you know the person FOREVER by then..
— Camille, age 10

You might have to guess, based on whether they seem to be yelling at the same kids. 
— Derrick, age 8 

Both don’t want any more kids. 
— Lori, age 8 

-Dates are for having fun, and people should use them to get to know each other. Even boys have something to say if you listen long enough.
— Lynnette, age 8 (Isn’t she a treasure?) 

-On the first date, they just tell each other lies and that usually gets them interested enough to go for a second date. 
— Martin, age 10 

-When they’re rich. 
— Pam, age 7 (Love her)

-The law says you have to be eighteen, so I wouldn’t want to mess with that.
— Curt, age 7

-The rule goes like this: If you kiss someone, then you should marry them and have kids with them. It’s the right thing to do.
— Howard, age 8


It’s better for girls to be single but not for boys. Boys need someone to clean up after them.
— Anita, age 9 (bless you child)

There sure would be a lot of kids to explain, wouldn’t there?
— Kelvin, age 8

And the #1 Favorite is……. 

Tell your wife that she looks pretty, even if she looks like a dump truck.
— Joe, age 10

Goodreads Giveaway — Capricorn Cravings

Capricorn Cravings was published in print format 10 months after it first hit the Kindle market, and with two new books being released over the holiday season I am only just now scheduling a giveaway.

Riley Shaughnessy has the perfect life. Her veterinary practice is thriving, and she loves living in the small town in the Colorado mountains, where no one knows the shocking secret of her past. She loves to gallop her palomino mare across the vast expanse of public land bordering the town, and after a long period of self-denial, she has even committed to a date with handsome horse wrangler, Randy Hansen. But now, she knows her assistant, Jamie, would never willingly abandon her child, so why has she disappeared? Something dark and sinister is taking place, and it all started on the day hunky Powell Stewart, with the piercing blue eyes, came into her life in a strange and unexpected way. Her inner voice tells her to stay as far away from him as she can…

Here are the details of the Giveaway:

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Capricorn Cravings by Trish Jackson

Capricorn Cravings

by Trish Jackson

Giveaway ends March 20, 2015.
See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

Enter to win


Valentine’s Day — Dedicated to Romance

With Valentine’s Day being just around the corner this seemed like the perfect time to write about my passion–romance. 

So what exactly is romance? 

Romance is a noun. Put an ‘A’ in front of it , as in they had a romance, it means a relationship or attachment that is usually between lovers, but it may also be used in an abstract way to describe someone’s passion, as in she had a lifetime romance with historical homes.  

Valentine’s Day has been so commercialized that people have lost its true purpose and today they give gifts to anyone they love, whether it be a lover, a child, a sibling, a parent or even a friend, but true romance between lovers is to do with the emotional side of love. It may include passion, excitement, allure, and desire among other things, but it is also encompassed in the little things lovers do to show their affection.

He may spontaneously pick a bunch of wildflowers and present them to her while taking a walk, or she may turn the lights down low and set the dinner table with candles and include a bottle of champagne with the meal. Little romantic acts show your partner that you care, and keep the romance alive in a relationship.

Here are a few ideas for putting the romance back into your life–or keeping it there this Valentine’s Day.

  1. If you plan to ask her to marry you, get down on your knees (that is so romantic and never goes out of style) and pop the question some place crazy on Valentine’s Day.
  2. Fill your Jacuzzi with something fragrant, and light some candles, or go skinny-dipping on a deserted beach. Or, if it’s cold, light the fire and lay a blanket on the carpet in front of the fireplace. There’s something very romantic about real wood fires.
  3. Take him to a wildly expensive restaurant on Valentine’s Day night and pay for the dinner. Remember, a little champagne buzz does wonders for romance. 
  4. Send her dozens of red roses and a giant teddy bear.
  5. Get tickets to his favorite sporting event. It may not seem like a romantic idea, but it will show him how much you care about his happiness.
  6. Buy your special someone something that sparkles–like diamonds or any jewelry. 
  7. Chocolates have always been a favorite, especially for women, but be sure she isn’t trying to lose weight before giving them to her. Chocolate covered strawberries go well with bubbly.
  8. Do something outrageously crazy, like skydiving, or take a romantic horse-drawn sleigh ride in the moonlight.
  9. Send an anonymous Valentine’s Card to someone you secretly admire.
  10. Buy a couple of cans of whipped cream and let your imagination run wild…

So how about some comments about what you do to make Valentine’s Day romantic with that special someone. Don’t forget to get your lover in the mood — buy them a romance novel.

Get mine Here 

Cover Reveal – Mobsters, Monsters and Nazi’s

Dan O’Brien and Steve Ferchaud have done it again! Mobsters, Monsters & Nazis will be a six-story illustrated series that will launch on Halloween and conclude right around Christmas. It is equal parts noir, pulp, lovecraft, and detective fiction with enough intrigue and mystery to keep you hanging on.

It is available for pre-order starting today, so be sure to grab and let everyone know about it!
You can pre-order it for only $2.99 by following this link: