Valentine’s Day — Dedicated to Romance

With Valentine’s Day being just around the corner this seemed like the perfect time to write about my passion–romance. 

So what exactly is romance? 

Romance is a noun. Put an ‘A’ in front of it , as in they had a romance, it means a relationship or attachment that is usually between lovers, but it may also be used in an abstract way to describe someone’s passion, as in she had a lifetime romance with historical homes.  

Valentine’s Day has been so commercialized that people have lost its true purpose and today they give gifts to anyone they love, whether it be a lover, a child, a sibling, a parent or even a friend, but true romance between lovers is to do with the emotional side of love. It may include passion, excitement, allure, and desire among other things, but it is also encompassed in the little things lovers do to show their affection.

He may spontaneously pick a bunch of wildflowers and present them to her while taking a walk, or she may turn the lights down low and set the dinner table with candles and include a bottle of champagne with the meal. Little romantic acts show your partner that you care, and keep the romance alive in a relationship.

Here are a few ideas for putting the romance back into your life–or keeping it there this Valentine’s Day.

  1. If you plan to ask her to marry you, get down on your knees (that is so romantic and never goes out of style) and pop the question some place crazy on Valentine’s Day.
  2. Fill your Jacuzzi with something fragrant, and light some candles, or go skinny-dipping on a deserted beach. Or, if it’s cold, light the fire and lay a blanket on the carpet in front of the fireplace. There’s something very romantic about real wood fires.
  3. Take him to a wildly expensive restaurant on Valentine’s Day night and pay for the dinner. Remember, a little champagne buzz does wonders for romance. 
  4. Send her dozens of red roses and a giant teddy bear.
  5. Get tickets to his favorite sporting event. It may not seem like a romantic idea, but it will show him how much you care about his happiness.
  6. Buy your special someone something that sparkles–like diamonds or any jewelry. 
  7. Chocolates have always been a favorite, especially for women, but be sure she isn’t trying to lose weight before giving them to her. Chocolate covered strawberries go well with bubbly.
  8. Do something outrageously crazy, like skydiving, or take a romantic horse-drawn sleigh ride in the moonlight.
  9. Send an anonymous Valentine’s Card to someone you secretly admire.
  10. Buy a couple of cans of whipped cream and let your imagination run wild…

So how about some comments about what you do to make Valentine’s Day romantic with that special someone. Don’t forget to get your lover in the mood — buy them a romance novel.

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