A New Year — a New Beginning

Every year at this time, we have another chance to put all the bad and cheerless happenings from the past year behind us, and move forward with a clean, polished slate.

We all make New Year’s resolutions, most of which, we do not keep for the entire year. Losing weight is the favorite, so it seems — and the hardest to maintain.

As a writer, my resolution for 2019 is to get better every time I start typing, and to that end, to read as many diverse and well-written books as possible as a method of growing my vocabulary and writing style.

As a person, this year I am determined be positive, and not to think, speak or do anything negative. Our lives are controlled by our innermost thoughts and the words that come out of our mouths, and it seems to be human nature to dwell more on the negative than on the positive. Think of a road-rage incident for example. We may get home in one piece, but we’ll harbor that bitter anger for hours after the incident, bringing more negativity to our lives.

If you believe in the Law of Attraction, you will know that we attract things with our thoughts.

Angry thoughts bring more reasons to be angry; irritation brings more reason to be irritated; sadness brings more reasons to be sad.

It makes so much sense to push bad feelings aside and channel one’s thoughts into the positive, thereby bringing peace, joy and happiness not only to yourself, but to the others whose lives you affect–your spouse, your children, your parents, friends, and co-workers. Something as simple as a kind word or a smile can brighten a stranger’s day.

So stay positive and share a little laughter this year.

men s white button up dress shirt

Photo by Helena Lopes on Pexels.com